Reminder: Exquisite Hansgrohe ISH Display

Although ISH occurred several months ago, we wanted to take a minute to give you a little reminder of the Hansgrohe display – undeniably one of the best in show! Aside from the innovation we can expect from Hansgrohe – such as shower heads which provide luxury and eco-friendly solutions, the company rolled some of our favorite new products of the year.

While offering a beautiful design for faucets, shower heads, and other accessories, Hansgrohe also believes in concentrating on the end user. By offering such a wide range of choices, the company allows you to choose a look that best suits the room, and function that best suits you! Take a look at just a few of the products below, and if you’d like to look at more of the products in-depth, visit our Hansgrohe page.

Hands down my favorite is the Axor Starck “ShowerHeaven” shower head. This large, ceiling mounted head rains down water to cover your entirely and allows for more efficient showering and a spa-like relaxation. Definitely one of those “must try” products!

What are your favorites? Comment below to share!

Lacava Sinks Put Elegant and Eco-friendly Designs to Work

When it comes to bathroom design, there are a few pieces that should be counted as very important accessories. The sink you choose is one of the most important ways to make or tie up the statement made by your bathroom’s design – it is also the easiest place to ruin the whole look!

While some may not even think of the bathroom sink as important, consider the amount of exposure this fixture gets. Daily rounds of shaving, washing, brushing, and primping give your sink literally hours of use, so it is very obvious you need a sturdy model.

As for the design, you may not think of it as important now, but it is painfully obvious when the worn sink has been chosen. The wrong color, shape, style, and design can make this part of your bathroom an eyesore – like a bad painting in an otherwise chic living room.

In modern times, contemporary bathroom designs and accessories are very popular. Balancing an eco-friendly utility with a trendy design that will be in style for years to come is at the top of the list for most consumers. Thus, we have seen many companies make a shift in their focus and products. Elegant and water –saving options are flooding the shelves and inventories. The issue now is knowing that a company actually knows how to deliver on such high promises when they are simply following a trend.

One brand, Lacava, does not have such a dilemma. With roots in Italy, this Chicago-based company has been creating the highest-quality contemporary sink designs for years. Not only that, but the motto and badge “Green at Heart” is proudly displayed on their home page, with a full-page description of their eco-friendly policies.

“Lacava strongly rejects the idea of disposable low-quality furniture, which is made mostly of particle board, laminates, plastics, and other oil-based derivates and not intended to last longer than a couple of years. Our high quality furniture is made of renewable resources like natural wood with the least processing possible. Our craftsmanship combined with durable materials and wear-resistant parts allow people to enjoy Lacava’s furniture for many years to come, and is often passed on to the next generation as a valuable asset of the house!”

Lacava is not just following a trend – they have created one. To be sure your chosen design will flow with the rest of your bathroom, you will be happy to know Lacava also carries a full range of bathroom furniture, fixtures, and accessories. Feel free to browse the entire selection at Plumbtile for a better understanding of the possibilities.

How to: Replace Broken Tile

Cracks in the tile are generally caused by the building settling, but can also be due to improper tile installation, the wrong kind of tile being used, or accidents. Whatever the reason, broken tiles are generally considered unsightly, and can even lead to more serious problems if moisture happens to get into and under the cracks.

Obviously, in most cases, you won’t want to replace the entire floor due to one or two broken tiles. Here is how to remove and replace the broken tiles easily.


• Replacement tile
• Tile adhesive
• Grout
• Water


• Grout Scraper
• Hammer
• Pry bar
• Safety glasses
• Trowel
• Grout float
• Sponge
• Small bucket
• Filling knife

  1. Scrape the Grout
     Working around the tile joints (seams), scratch out the grout using the grout scraper. You’ll be getting a pretty fine mess going, but you need to get as much of the grout out as possible. This will separate the broken tile(s) from the ones that are not broken and will make it easier to get a pry bar under the edges if necessary later on.
  2. Break/Loosen the Tile
    With the hammer, hit the tile a couple of times to loosen it from the surface it is adhered to. Depending on the size of the tile, you will probably have to remove it in chunks. Once you’ve broken it up, use the other side of the hammer or the pry bar to lift up the tile pieces.
  3. Scrape Adhesive
    Once you’ve gotten as much of the tile as possible removed, you need to get rid of the old adhesive. Use a scraper, filling knife or even putty knife to scrape it all off.
  4. Clean the surface
    To be sure your new tile properly adheres; you will need to at least dust off the surface.  At best, try to clean the surface with a damp cloth and some mild soap.  Wait until it is completely dry before moving to the next step.  Do not use a wet cloth!  Damp will pick up the dust; wet will get water under the adjacent tiles and cause a lot of issues later on.
  5. Add New Adhesive
    Use the trowel to apply the adhesive back onto the surface (just as the old stuff was.) The layer should be only about ¼ inch.
  6. Set the Tile
    Now place the new tile on top of the adhesive and press firmly in the middle, corners, and along the sides. Press many times and even wiggle the tile a little bit to be sure it is set firmly.
  7. Re-grout
    Now you can mix up your grout into the same paste consistency as the adhesive and use your grout float to smear it along the sides of the tile. Be sure the grout is getting into all of the seams around the tile – don’t leave gaps; fill up each seam completely!
  8. Clean up
    Final StepFinally, you can use your sponge and bucket of water to clean all of the excess grout off the surface of the tiles. The sponge should be damp enough to pick up excess grout, but NOT soaking wet enough to alter the consistency of the grout in the joint.

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American Standard- Using Apps to Save Water & Money

My iPhone is a great tool, but it’s also starting to become more of a toy. I use it’s Twitter feed to see what’s trending in tile and sinks, but I have a personal account to see what jokes my favorite comedians spit out in their off time. I play Angry Birds, I read The Onion and look up cute pictures of cats. It’s easy to see why the iPhone is still viewed as an expensive waste of time. However, I’m beginning to see more useful applications of it, from one previous blog post to this new app from American Standard. Continue reading →

The Kitchen Sink and Faucet: Choosing a Killer Combination!

Ever walk into your kitchen already feeling defeated before you have even attempted to begin the mountain of dishes awaiting you? When a dishwasher cannot do this daunting chore for you, it may be time for a new kitchen sink and faucet to make it a little easier! Choosing a kitchen sink and faucet combination may seem like an easy task.  Many people might be quick to choose the first sink that catches their eye. However, there are several factors to take into consideration before you buy what is arguably the most consistantly used piece in a kitchen.

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Lacava's Italian Charm!

Want to travel to Italy? Probably an easy question to answer. Once you’ve been there you may not want to leave! But, how about every time you step into your bathroom you feel as if you are relaxing on the Italian island of Capri? The luxury and beauty of Lacava can make you feel as if you are relaxing on the world famous Almalfi Coast of Italy. A company of Italian origin, Lacava is committed to enriching bathrooms with beautiful, inspiring bathroom collections. Go ahead and add some Italian charm into your bathroom with Lacava. Continue reading →