Although ISH occurred several months ago, we wanted to take a minute to give you a little reminder of the Hansgrohe display – undeniably one of the best in show! Aside from the innovation we can expect from Hansgrohe – such as shower heads which provide luxury and eco-friendly solutions, the company rolled some of our favorite new products of the year.

While offering a beautiful design for faucets, shower heads, and other accessories, Hansgrohe also believes in concentrating on the end user. By offering such a wide range of choices, the company allows you to choose a look that best suits the room, and function that best suits you! Take a look at just a few of the products below, and if you’d like to look at more of the products in-depth, visit our Hansgrohe page.

Hands down my favorite is the Axor Starck “ShowerHeaven” shower head. This large, ceiling mounted head rains down water to cover your entirely and allows for more efficient showering and a spa-like relaxation. Definitely one of those “must try” products!

What are your favorites? Comment below to share!