GO GREEN, Save the Environment and Freshen Up Your Kitchen

Plumbtile: Danze

Why Change the Kitchen Faucet 

As more and more people decide not to move and instead remodel their existing homes, they don’t realize that they can start small and add value by simply replacing the faucets in their kitchens and bathrooms.  Adding something simple such as a faucet gives the look of a newer kitchen, while at the same time, saving cost and the environment through lower water usage.  Most people don’t even realize how easy it is to replace their kitchen faucet.  After picking one out, such as these examples from BrizoContinue reading →

Designing Your New Tile Bathroom Wall

Plumbtile: Jeffrey Court Tile

Tiling bathroom walls has become a very popular trend in home remodeling right now- as it is a quick way to totally change the look and feel of your bathroom but also fairly simple for a homeowner to do themselves.  Continue reading →

Remodel Your Kitchen- Getting Started!

Plumbtile: Native Trails Kitchen

There is no doubt that doing a remodel, especially in the kitchen requires quite a bit of demolition, even with the smallest of projects.  So there are definitely some things to remember to do before and during your project to make sure you are not only keeping your home to code, but so you keep the work to a minimum.  First and foremost, you need to discuss your plans with your local building inspection department,  make sure to obtain all the required permits, and schedule proper inspections.   Continue reading →

Better Living Design in the Bathroom

Plumbtile: Hydro Systems

You have a bathroom that you just love and adore. However, you feel it is time for a facelift or in construction design terms, remodeling. Remodeling your bathroom is the process of taking your current restroom, water closet, lavatory, or whatever word you prefer to call it, and giving it a make-over. A make-over can consist of rebuilding or redesigning your vanity and or mirror, installing a better or more water-efficient toilet, or even transforming your shower-in-bath, to just a seven-person spa tub, or a two-person rain shower room. Wouldn’t we all love to do that?  Continue reading →

Creating a Green Kitchen

green planet

These days, we all know what it means to be green. We have also become familiar with the three R’s…reduce, reuse, and recycle. Most of the opportunity to implement the three R’s is in our kitchen. However, the kitchen is usually the least green room in our home. Not only do our appliances use a considerable amount of energy, but the materials used in building kitchens can be very expensive and wasteful. We might not be able to make our kitchen completely green. However, there are several things we can do to make it greener than it is, and creating a green kitchen is not only better for our planet, it’s better for our wallets.

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Tile Flooring Buying Guide

(Photo Credit: Porcelainosa.com)
(Photo Credit: Porcelainosa.com)

So, you’ve decided that you want to install new tile for your kitchen, bathroom or any room, now what?  The first thing to keep in mind before you purchase the tile, is that the options are virtually endless.  Simply put, there’s something for everyone, for every style.  So, do some research and pick a style before you head to the store.  This way, you can make a more informed decision, and not become inundated by the numerous choices. The different styles, textures and patterns can make purchasing tile a difficult decision.  Here are a few tips to follow that will make your purchase a success: Continue reading →

How To Shop For The Best Shower Head

(Photo Credit: wikihow.com)

Which is the best for YOU?

Let’s face who doesn’t look forward to their shower? And who doesn’t rate the shower in someone else’s home, hotel or vacation spot? We all long for that perfect shower the one with just the right amount or pressure, maybe it has the added feature of a message spray or it is hand held. What type of shower head is for you? And who doesn’t walk into a hardware store go by the bath department and are captivated by all the LOVELY shower heads?  Everyone even small children love a good shower and to do that you must start with the shower head. Continue reading →

How to Easily Install Shower Surround

Photo Source: Universal Plastics

Installing walls for your shower may seem like a difficult project, but it is actually easier than you think. Successful shower surround installs shouldn’t take more than a day with the proper preparation.

If you already have securely fastened ceramic tiles, you can simply install the surround wall over them. Plastic and any loose tiles will need to be removed and the wall behind them needs to be prepared for the shower surround install by sanding smooth. All new shower surround installations will need a waterproof backboard as a wall surface.  Continue reading →

How to Grout a Bathroom


When you want to sell your house or just make it look and feel more modern and up to date the first thing you think of is the bathrooms. How can you make your bathroom the star of the party? Changing the fixtures will add that new look but it isn’t quiet done. Replace or recover your shower or tub, replace the vanity and mirror it is almost there still it looks a little dull no shine to it. Yep you guessed it Grout and TileContinue reading →