How to Install Vinyl Siding


Updating your home whether it is a kitchen or bathroom update or replacing that old siding the rewards can be tremendous. Siding it the first thing that anyone sees when they look at your home. Sometimes you aren’t totally in love with your siding or sometimes you just want a different look for your house. While it is always smart to call on a professional to do siding, if you are trying to save money and are willing to learn and keep adjusting your work, by all means install the vinyl siding yourself. Lucky for you, if you choose vinyl siding, you’ll be choosing one of the most durable types of home exterior cladding AND installation is fairly straightforward and an easy process.

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How to Prep a Wall for New Plumbing


At some point in every home you will have to fix a leak or update the sink and fixtures in your bathroom or kitchen and that will require you to change the plumbing. If you live in a colder climate you might think about changing that old copper and pvc pipes for pex; pex expands in the cold to accommodate the weather which means no more busted water pipes. Replacing the pipes is a big job but with the right tools and plenty or prep you can be a DYI king or queen!
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How to Install a Level Countertop


Installing a new countertop can be a challenge, and here’s how you can do it successfully.

Materials and Tools:

Nippers                                                                         Block of Wood
Hand Plane                                                                  Towel
Circular Saw                                                                Paintbrush
Hammer                                                                       Pencil
Router                                                                           Level

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How to Budget for a Remodel

kitchen remodel

When it comes to home improvements, knowing what you want is the easy part, the tougher part is figuring out how much you can afford. All renovations can add up rather quickly. It is very important for you to budget accurately before you start any type of remodel. There are four steps that you will want to follow in order to calculate how much remodel you can afford: ballpark the cost, establish a spending limit, get quotes from contractors, and set your priorities.

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How to Change an Air Conditioning Filter

9e7c34ccfc469bb38c72197014ca0a43The air filter’s job is to keep dust and debris out of your HVAC equipment. You’d be amazed how much builds up on there in a very short amount of time. Just think about the air quality in your area and how much grim can accumulate on your floors, countertop and appliances if you didn’t clean the filter for a month… That’s how much debris is clogging your air filter, and mush more if you haven’t remembered to change the AC filter in a while. Don’t know how to change your AC filter? Don’t fret or look anywhere else. Here are 5 simple (and quick) steps to change your AC filter.

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How to Install a Door Knob

dabe53601cfd8fbd882c5024bb0dde2dDoor knobs may be small, but they hold some incredible power when it comes to opening and shutting a door. Without a door knob, there would be either a hole in the door to allow people to open and close it, or the door would be a swinging-type door, where you push it and it opens, but you can’t control it enough to close it. There does come a time when it is important to change out a door knob. Whether that be when the door knob is out of date, broken, or just needs repaired, follow this step by step guide on how to install a door knob (but keep in mind that all door knobs are slightly different, so why this may work for some door knobs, it may not work for all).

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Imperfect Walls No More!

fb36668012e0bc5496bbbf13d2f12436Whether you, your family, pets, etc. have damaged your walls, trying to cover up the damage never seems to be an easy task. That’s because old and damaged walls require a special wall painting technique in order to cover up the surface imperfections- be it loose and cracking plaster or gouged and peeling drywall. Wall flaws can be a real eyesore, but drywall installation or replacement is not the best or only solution available. In fact, the right wall painting technique offers you a faster, cheaper, and easier way to handle the problem. One of the following 3 ways will surely work for your situation.

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How to Install a Toilet

515bdcea8fe1e93905351d43cb36b9edAre you in need of a toilet replacement, but don’t want to spend the money on buying a new toilet and hiring someone to put it in for you? Fear not, below you will find step-by-step instructions on how to install your new toilet to complete your bathroom.

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Choose The Best Brands of Dishwashers

83b23477ff5b76278060149f59fdd994Dishwashers are a vital part of your kitchen. They help to complete the look of the kitchen, but most importantly, they help make the chore of washing dishes seem not so bad. Picking out a dishwasher is a big deal and there is a lot to consider. Would you rather have a low-cost dishwasher that may not be up to the standards that you have for a dishwasher or a high-end, expensive dishwasher that may break the bank? What is the best dishwasher for you? Keep reading to find out.


KitchenAid has many good dishwashers that can help keep your dirty dishes clean. With almost 20 models to choose from, it is likely that you’ll find on that fits both your kitchen and your personal needs. While KitchenAid dishwashers are typically more expensive than other dishwashers, they are well worth the price given their high capacities, powerful cleaning cycles, energy efficiency and quiet running.


A German company that produces some of the best dishwashers available on the market today. They’re well designed, handsome, and get your dishes as clean as, or cleaner than, machines made by other manufacturers. They are also some of the quietest dishwashers you can buy. No matter if you have a small, large, or medium sized kitchen, Bosch likely manufactures a model that fits your family’s needs.


Frigidaire dishwashers are both economical and efficient machines. The company manufactures a variety of models that range in price from just over $1,000 to less than $400, which makes them some of the least expensive dishwashers. These dishwashers are also the most basic. If you don’t need a lot of extra features and want to save some cash while still getting your dishes clean, Frigidaire dishwashers are worth your consideration.


General Electric (GE) is the creator of hundreds of the electronics, appliances and other devices we use every day. It currently makes more than 80 dishwasher models ranging in price from nearly $1,700 on the high end to $299 on the low end. These dishwashers also come in a variety of sizes, capacities and styles. You can choose from a built-in, under-the-sink, and portable models. So, no matter what your needs are, you can likely find a GE dishwasher that meets them.


You may associate Samsung with consumer electronics like smartphones, tablets, televisions, and computers, but it also makes excellent household appliances, including some of the best dishwashers you can buy. Samsung dishwashers have several unique technologies that ensure your dishes are clean and sanitary. Each of the dishwashers are Energy Star certified to help protect the environment. Although the selection is slim, you can probably find a model that’s in your price range.


LG, best known for its high-tech electronic devices like smartphones and tablets, also manufacturers high-quality appliances. Like its smart TVs and surround sound speakers, LG dishwashers are among the best you can buy. They feature powerful cleaning technology and high load capacities. They are also quiet, LG’s selection of dishwashers is relatively slim-there are only 24 available- but you should still be able to find one that suits you and complements your kitchen.


Maytag has been a heavyweight brand name in household appliances for more than a century Unfortunately, there aren’t that many Maytag dishwashers to choose from anymore. They have powerful cleaning tools, easy-to-use control and high load capacities.

How to Get Rid of Scratches on Hardwood Floors

wood floors

Have you ever fell in love with a house, but saw that the hardwood floors were all scratched up? Or have you ever got a pet that scratched up those beautiful floors? You may have thought that it was time to give up the hardwood flooring and get carpet, but don’t change your mind so fast. You can repair your own hardwood flooring, so you can keep the floors you love looking the way you want them. Follow these 7 steps to ensure that your hardware floors always look their best.

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