There are many different types of tile on the market today. Copper, stainless steel, ceramic, hardwood, and stone to name the most popular. But today we would like to showcase one of our recent favorites: glass tile. Glass tile has been growing in popularity for the last couple of the decades – and for good reason!

Glass tile uses are almost as endless as the imagination. It can be used for kitchen backsplashes, walls, bathtub and shower walls, borders to accent windows or mirrors, and floors.

The properties of sparkle, luminescence and depth, not found in other types of tile, create a style and character unmatched by other types of tile. The ambience created with lighting and reflective properties of glass tile is unparalleled.

Practical Advantages of Glass Tile

Glass is durable and easy to maintain, if it gets dirty or messed up, all it takes is a quick wipe to clean and shine. On the other hand, ceramic or natural stone is much harder, if not impossible to clean.

This makes glass tile a perfect selection for easier maintenance and cleanup in the kitchen as well as the bathroom. Grease and food stains around the stove and the sink or mold and hard water stains are no longer a problem or concern. Adex Tile  has a large selection of glass tile with a broad color palette, and finishes ranging from glossy to flat, to fit most modern design schemes.

Used sparingly, vivid glass tiles can provide exciting visual and sensual highlights. Conversely, when covering an entire bathroom wall, glass tile can create a luxurious spa-like atmosphere that is complementary to any bathroom design.
Hirsch Glass has one of the largest selection of glass tiles for every type of application. With their selection they make it very easy to make a personal statement and create the perfect atmosphere for your room. In fact the toughest decision is probably deciding what type of atmosphere you want to create.

Have Some Fun

While glass tile is not so exotic anymore, it is easy to add a something unexpected and fun to a kitchen decor. Glass tiles give you a fantastic opportunity to express your individuality, which is really tough to do with stainless steel refrigerators or cabinets.

Time To Give Tradition a Change

Even in the most conventional designs, glass tiles can have their place.
A glass backsplash can accentuate the traditional white kitchen while giving it a little face lift and having a little fun. One popular application of glass tiles is to enrich today’s popular stainless steel counters and appliances.

Notable Pointers for DIY’ers

No matter how simple or sophisticated the design, there are some simple and practical tips to keep in mind. Smooth glass on the backsplash is easy to keep clean and resists heat, but if the glass tile has been sandblasted it can hold oils and debris.

Although professional installers are no longer fearful of glass tile installation, home owner or the DIY’er should be wary. Many times the aid of a professional installer is recommended or necessary. For professional needs, Plumbtile has all the planning, designing and professional advice that you can obtain at no charge.