The idea of the holidays as portrayed by commercials and Christmas carols is to relax, enjoy time with your loved ones, and be happy. Unfortunately, the reality for many is that this time of year is the most stressful. Between traffic, shopping, unruly children, and debt, it is very easy to fall into a a pit of distress. Stress, however, is a surefire way to ruin your health and create bad memories during what is supposed to be a happy time. That is why Plumbtile would like to impart our top ten tips for relaxing in ten minutes.


10. Dim the lights

Bright or harsh lights affect our brain in ways we may never realize consciously. It causes our brain to be more active and alert , which can be bad news when we are dealing with stress. To combat this, try lower the lights in the room you are in for 15 – 20 minutes. Don’t have a light dimmer installed? Try turning off the overhead lights and switching to elegant candlelight for a while.


9. Sip a hot drink

Just the act of holding and slowly sipping a hot beverage can melt away the tension in our shoulders  – where most of us store our stress from the day. You can drink coffee, tea, hot cocoa, or even a warm cocktail to soothe your nerves in no time.


8. Listen to something different

When our minds are traveling at a million miles per hour, the background noise around us can add to the chatter a really crank up the stress levels. Whether you are sitting in a noisy office or listening to another awful Christmas song remake, try putting on some of your own soft music or going to another area to change the noise. Sometimes we don’t even know what is bothering us until it isn’t there anymore!


7. Buy small gifts to be opened right away

Believe it or not, this is still the season of giving, and doing something nice for yourself or others can really brighten your entire day. Instead of worrying about all the big ticket items you can’t afford, buy a few simple gifts that you can have loved ones open right away, or treat yourself to a small gift. This will re-center you back to the spirit of the holidays and remove you from the stress surrounding them for a while.


6. Take a power nap

In many countries, businesses close down for an hour or two in the middle of the day for nap time…proving that you can never be too old for it! You may not have that luxury, but you may be able to squeeze in some shut-eye on your lunch break or just after work. Studies show that even 20 minutes of rest (whether you sleep or not) can recharge our batteries and eliminate stress.


5. Meticulously plan your dream home

Escaping reality in favor of big dreams can be fun. Allow yourself an hour or two to go all out planning your dream home, kitchen, bathroom, den, etc. Lose yourself in the planning, magazines, products, and more. Just be sure not to use the time to compare what you have to what you want – this is meant to be an escape!


4. Use the massage setting

Taking a shower is something most of us do everyday anyway, so why not allow yourself 5 – 10 minutes to completely relax while you do so? Whether its the end of your day or the beginning, indulging in the massage setting of your shower can do wonders for your mental health. Don’t have a massage setting? Then it might be something to ask Santa for! Consider a budget-friendly shower head with multiple settings.


3. Organize your desk

Taking even ten minutes to organize your desk, dresser, or counters actually relieves stress in two ways. First, it allows you to forget about your worries and focus on the task at hand for a few moments. Second, seeing less clutter makes you feel instantly better. Taking ten minutes a day can build this stress-free habit up to become your saving grace!


2. Do nothing

During the constant rush of the holidays, many people forget the kind of power that lies in just doing nothing. Even if you simply stop for five minutes, your mind is allowed to reset. Once you start up again, you will be able to function on brand new batteries. To get the most out of doing nothing, pick a room to retreat to, set a timer and sit or lie comfortably. Think to yourself only “think nothing” and concentrate on breathing in and out deeply.


1. Take a hot bath

Just the act of running a bath has the ability to alleviate stress, and lying in one for even a few minutes allows us to just let go of the worries of the day. Be sure to step into a clean tub and maximize the effect with dim lighting and comforting smells such as lavender bath salts or holiday candles.