Plumbtile would like to congratulate Du Verre on their recent award-winning hardware designs. Erin Adams is an award-winning mosaic artist and interior designer. Erin brings her love of interior design and her strong eye for mosaics into this very intriguing line of hardware and accessories now available from Du Verre.

With the holiday season upon us, many are turning their attention to the state of their homes. There’s nothing like a steady stream of family, neighbors, and friends coming to you home to make you consider an update! One of the easiest and most affordable ways to do so it simply update your home’s hardware and accessories.

Many people begin with big spaces and gradiose dreams to update their home, but in reality the feeling of your home is in the details. Sure, a new $20,000 kitchen would instantly bring new life to the place, but for those who do not have $20,000 to drop before the end of 2011, try giving yourself a small gift. The top three “details” to consider updating are:

  1. Door/cabinet knobs and handles.
  2. Faucets
  3. Lighting

With just a few new home products and a weekend project, you could be hearing “oohs and ahhs” over more than just your family dinners!