
Save yourself a visit from the electrician and a hefty bill for 5 to 10 minutes of work. We know that everyone is not naturally confident about performing home repairs. Installing a light fixture is one of them. It can be hard to find an electrician who will come to your house for a 5- to 10-minute job — and if you do find one, you’ll have to pay an arm and a leg. In the long run, you’re better off learning to install a light fixture (or replace one) on your own. We will show you step-by step on how to install your own light fixture.

Please keep in mind, that because you will be shutting off power to the room, it’s best to do this project in the daytime if possible — unless you have a portable battery-charged light to illuminate the area. Don’t work in the dark!


– drywall screws

-light fixture

– drywall-mount junction box


– screwdriver

– circuit tester

– drywall saw

– wire strippers







Step 1: Remove the Old Fixture 

 At the main electrical panel, shut off all power to the bath fixture circuit. Remove the bulb and old fixture cover, then detach the fixture base from the wall.







Step 2: Disconnect the Wiring

Use a circuit tester to check the wiring to be sure the power is off. Disconnect the wires from the fixture, and remove it from the wall.








Step 3: Install a Junction Box

If the original light was mounted without a junction box, you’ll need to install one to comply with building codes. Several types of replacement boxes are available. A drywall-mount or “push-in” box with mounting clamps is easy to install.

First, position the new light fixture on the wall and mark its location. Place the junction box over the original wiring exit hole so that the box will be covered by the new fixture. Use the box as a template to mark the opening.

Use a drywall saw to cut the opening for the box. Pull the electrical wiring into the box and secure it with a box clamp. Push the box into the opening and tighten the drywall mounting clamp screws. Attach a mounting bracket for the new fixture to the junction box.

Step 4: Replace the Fixture

Connect the wires to the new fixture. Attach black to black and white to white, and secure the connections with wire nuts.

Press the wires back into the box, and attach the new fixture to the mounting bracket.

Insert the bulbs and attach any shades or covers.

Turn the power back on at the circuit breaker panel.

Contact us to get your perfect lighting fixture today!