How to Declutter Your Kitchen Properly


If you are like most of us, you think decluttering your kitchen is clearing everything out and having nothing showing. That means shoving those bills in a drawer, or neatly lining them up on the counter, or even having a junk drawer. If you have to say you have a junk drawer, then that is exactly what it is, junk! Your countertops are filling with clutter, then you need to designate a proper space for it. Continue reading →

How to Avoid Kitchen Clutter

How to Avoid Kitchen Clutter


A clean kitchen sets a tone and culture for the entire home. While promoting opportunity and possibility for culinary creativity, it communicates calm and order. So how do we avoid kitchen clutter in a room that is a natural gathering place for a family and requires messes to be made during use? These simple suggestions will help you organize your kitchen and keep it a clutter-free zone: Continue reading →