Green Mondays by Plumbtile

What does “eco-friendly” mean to you?  Does it mean that you conserve water?  Does it mean that you bring nature into your bathroom by using natural products?  Here at Plumbtile we are able to design a bathroom for your home where you can enjoy the natural look of stone and tile while conserving water and electricity through luxury fixtures.

Ceramic Tile Trends - Coconut Skin ChocolateBring nature into your bathroom with natural tile products.  We work with 70 manufacturers that carry tile in cork, coconut, recycled leather, IPE Hardwood, Italian Marble, Israeli Limestone, Jerusalem Stone and other hi-quality natural stones.

You can easily conserve water by installing a Luxury Low Flow Showerhead.  Moen has a beautiful selection that is also economical on our website. Choosing a showerhead with a pause feature can save you gallons of water.

Mico - Provincial Thermostatic Tub & Shower /Shower HeadConserving electricity is possible through a Provincial Thermostatic Tub & Shower Head made by Mico.  Thermostatic shower valves regulate the temperature of the water within one half of a degree of the desired temperature.  You can also install a Tankless Water Heater and save reheating 30 – 40gallons of water all day.

We have many more ideas for designing your Eco-Friendly Bathroom at our Go Green – Energy and Water Saving page. Right now we are offering Free Shipping!  To speak with a Sales Consultant please call 1-866-369-8180.